Download and run the installer.
Download ECI DCA [P3WVL83HLJBE].exe (3.8 MB)
Follow all instructions as presented.
Install the mono-complete
package from the latest version of Mono.
While logged in as the user you want ECI DCA to run as, use the console to run:
Follow the instructions in the installer.
Install the latest version of Mono.
Download and run the installer.
Download ECI DCA [P3WVL83HLJBE].pkg (3.5 MB)
Follow the instructions as presented.
Download and run the ECIDCAPi installer on a Windows system.
Download ECIDCAPi Installer [P3WVL83HLJBE].exe (0.9 MB)
Follow the instructions to write to your microSD card.
Install the microSD card in the Raspberry Pi and power it up.
You can use the image utility of your choice to write the raw image to a microSD card.
), and instead by default will get its own
activation PIN and use registry to find a server URL. You can manually add the PIN by writing the following file to the boot
Download (757.3 MB)
For more details, see the Raspberry Pi project's documentation for Installing Operating System Images.
You can use the following PowerShell code (paste into PowerShell) to find the IP address and hostname.
Note the hostname will be in the form ecidca-SRPxxxxxxxxx, where SRPxxxxxxxxx is the activation PIN. You can use this from within PrintFleet Optimizer to activate this DCA, if not using a pre-supplied PIN.
You can also log in using a keyboard and monitor plugged into the Raspberry Pi, or using SSH and the IP address.
If you want to install on an existing Raspberry Pi, use the Linux ARM installer.